Found 9 resources (displaying 9)
380 Gaffney Drive
Watertown, NY
Provides supported employment services for people with disabilities (not just intellectual or developmental) including job placement, coaching, application assistance, resumes, follow-ups, and school transitions.
Center on Disability and Inclusion
Center on Disability and Inclusion
370 Huntington Hall
Syracuse, NY
Supports research, teaching, and advocacy to promote the rights of people with disabilities locally, nationally, and globally, and to facilitate a critical examination of disability as an aspect of diversity in society. Teaches people with disabilities how to advocate for themselves.
Chadwick Residence Permanent Supportive Housing-Disability & Mental Health PSH
Provides one, two, and three-bedroom apartments for women and women with children. Support and assistance are provided in the areas of daily living skills, including budgeting, parenting, and vocational and education skills.
221 South Warren Street
Suite 310
Syracuse, NY
Provides free legal representation to clients who are denied or cut off from SSD or SSI benefits.
380 Bradley Street
Watertown, NY
Provides training and paid work to individuals with disabilities. Services include vocational counseling, pre-placement services, and on-the-job training.
635 James Street
Syracuse, NY
Offers health care advocacy, diabetes and chronic disease prevention, outpatient mental health services and school-based mental health services.
210 Court Street
Suite 107
Watertown, NY
Provides a variety of services for people with disabilities in an effort to gain independence. Services include individual advocacy, peer counseling, systems advocacy, benefits planning assistance, education and employment support, ADA consultations, housing search assistance, and media resources.
Safe Housing Assistance Program for the Elderly (SHAPE-UP)
421 Montgomery Street
11th Floor
Syracuse, NY
Provides grants of up to $15,000 to people ages 62 years and older and people with disabilities to help with health- and safety-related home repairs.
Self-Advocacy Network
Syracuse University Center on Human Policy
1005 West Fayette Street
Suite 1A
Syracuse, NY
Teaches people with disabilities how to advocate for themselves.
United Way of Central New York United Way of Greater Oswego County United Way of Northern New York, Inc. |
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