Found 5 resources (displaying 5)
700 Oswego Street
Syracuse, NY
Assists with searches for employment and training opportunities. Resume building, job training, and interview coaching provided.
700 Oswego Street
Syracuse, NY
Provides long-and short-term crisis intervention, including emergency relocation information, counseling, and referrals for legal, health, and social services. Serves as interpreters in shelters, assists parents with finding childcare, and provides parenting skills workshops. Offers a women's …
700 Oswego Street
Syracuse, NY
Provides referrals and general information regarding housing. Offers counseling regarding home ownership, negotiations between tenants/landlords and housing grievance complaints, eviction prevention, housing publications, assistance in obtaining rental subsidies, and housing court assistance.
Templo Corps Worship Community
749 South Warren Street
Syracuse, NY
Features a full service community center with individual and group services specifically for the Latino community that focuses on social adjustment and development. Worship services are held regularly on Sundays.
Youth Leadership and Development Services
700 Oswego Street
Syracuse, NY
Provides an after-school program offering academic and recreational activities for youth ages 10 to 18 years. Emphasizes tutoring in Math, English, and Science for youth who have limited English proficiency and who are at-risk of failing in school. Offers free transportation to students.
United Way of Central New York United Way of Greater Oswego County United Way of Northern New York, Inc. |
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