Hospice of St. Lawrence Valley
Provides assistance and services to patients with incurable illnesses and their families. Services can include home visits, management of pain and other difficult symptoms, help with bathing and grooming, 24-hour phone assistance and support, patient and family caregiver education, help for family caregivers, and the coordination of multiple services (such as pharmacies, doctors, and equipment suppliers.)
Eligibility: St. Lawrence County residents
Application Process: Speak with your physician regarding Hospice options or call directly for information
Required Documentation: Call for required documentation
Fees: Call to verify insurance information
St. Lawrence County
Fax: 315-265-0323
Business Line: 315-265-3105
Email: [email protected]
Website: hospiceslv.org
6805 US Highway 11
Potsdam NY 13676
Mailing Address:
PO Box 510
Potsdam NY 13676
Administrative hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4:30 PM
Services provided 24 Hours / 7 Days
Ruth Fishbeck
[email protected]
Disabilities Access
Not applicable; services provided off-site