Nascentia Health Options
Provides care for the chronically ill who wish to remain home but need assistance. Services include skilled nursing, home health aides, various therapies, medical equipment, medications, social work, and transportation.
Eligibility: Individuals ages 18 years and older who are eligible for nursing home level of care, can safely stay at home and in the community, are expected to need long-term care for at least 120 days, and are Medicaid eligible
Application Process: Call for information and services
Required Documentation: Call for required documentation
Fees: Medicaid or Private Pay
New York State excluding New York City
Fax: 315-477-9290
Business Line: 315-477-4663
Email: [email protected]
1050 West Genesee Street
Syracuse NY 13204
Administrative hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4:30 PM
Services provided 24 Hours / 7 Days
Disabilities Access
Fully Accessible